Leaders Of Transformation With Nicole Jansen
Edutainers and founders of Improv For Impact, Amy and Jamie Honey use improv and game-play to empower companies and sales teams to build healthier cultures and greater sales success. In today’s conversation, Amy and Jamie explain the benefits of improv and how you can...Jase Souder Be Funny Make Money! DARE To Be Great Give Away
Jase Souder Brings Fun, and Heart To Everything He Does To View Current Prizes on the Wheel: http://www.thehoneydare.com/current-prizes-on-wheel/ Meet Jase Souder: Praised as a leader in authentic business, Jase Souder is a nationally recognized speaker and trainer....@amyjohoney #freezeframe #hummkombucha #kombucha #kombuchagirl I can not get enough!!
♬ My Heart Went Oops - Tiagz